I invite you to feel into the quotes below and notice what comes up.

If your body says “Mmm hmmm,” keep scrolling to learn more about From work to worth

“We have become a civilization based on work—not even ‘productive work’ but work as an end and meaning in itself.”
Bullshit Jobs: A Theory by David Graeber

“Our very idea of productivity is premised on the idea of producing something new, whereas we do not tend to see maintenance and care as productive in the same way.”
How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell

“Individuality is cherished and nurtured, because, in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts with conviction, so they can be shared with others.”
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

It’s time to stop chasing “enough” and start radiating what you have.

In From Work to Worth, we will redefine and reimagine your relationship with work and worth through the consideration of disability, nature, values, capacity, time, money, and more.

Work and labor are not “bad”

I hate how “work” has been contextualized and exploited by systems like capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, classism, and ableism - because work doesn’t have to be that way my love.

Inequitable systems put the burden of care work on women and femmes of color. Service workers are treated like third-class citizens. Healthcare is a fantasy luxury for many, especially those with disabilities. And bureaucracy makes us hate everything because a simple task requires 27 steps.

It feels impossible to dismantle systems and their effects AND if we re-imagine work as a not-so-dirty word, it can be generative and whole - like the leaf that is budding off the last match in this photo. Let’s explore how together.

(Photo by Tangerine Newt on Unsplash)


(yes, no, maybe so)

I believe that human beings are inherently worthy. AND I question if worth exists. Most importantly, I don’t believe worth is conditional because existence JUST IS.

The messages we receive from our caregivers, educators, and social circles have shaped our sense of worth, compounded by the systems around us.

In From Work to Worth, we will explore detaching work and worth from each other while being in relationship with them.

Worthiness is a sort of construct built on the backs of oppressive systems of supremacy, reinforced by our social circles, making it core to how we think of ourselves.

There is no question that you are worthy, my love. I have a feeling you know this too 😉 But knowing it is one thing and FEELING it is another.

I am here to invite you into a meaning making, curiosity-filled, let’s flip it the fuck around process that will bounce you around the binaries of “success” and “failure”, “good” and “bad”, “worth” and “worthless”.

As seen in this photo, you can be curious, cute, and hydrated, even in the desert.

“Life isn’t fair.”

As a South Asian American daughter of immigrants, I was a parentified academic overachiever who was dependent on meritocracy for worth.

I grew up always having a list of chores I had to do before I could play, and when I did those chores, I was told that I didn’t do them “correctly” or I didn't “listen”. It felt like pleasure and joy were unattainable. Nothing I did was enough…so I wasn’t enough.

When I learned about gaslighting years later, it’s like the sky opened. I noticed how I constantly was on the search for some magical answer of enoughness outside of myself because what I did on my own didn’t “work” for me growing up.

The one thing I was great at was academic achievement, and the model minority meritocracy had me in its clutches. In fact, I still am mad about the B+ got my first semester in AP Calculus. YES, I STILL REMEMBER THIS.

I figured that if I wasn't working myself to the bone, I didn't “deserve” the best grades or acceptance because I was “lazy”. If someone else achieved something without working as hard as me or if I worked super hard and didn’t achieve something, I would scream “It’s not fair!”

Have you ever heard someone respond to “It’s not fair!” with “Life isn’t fair”? Did you hate it as much as me???

After exploring, reflecting, journaling, and embodying different ways of relating to work and worth, I now realize that it’s not really about life being “fair”.

What isn’t “fair” is thinking that our productivity or grades or good “karma” means we are guaranteed “success”. What isn’t “fair” is believing that success is quantitative. What isn’t “fair” is that systemic oppression fosters a system of worthiness. What isn’t “fair” is that the words “work” and “worth” have anything to do with each other at all!

All of us won’t be famous healers and activists with 500k followers on Instagram. All of us won’t invent something new and innovative. We won’t all be the next James Baldwin or Angela Davis. THIS IS OKAY!

We are conditioned to believe that worth comes from power, perfection, and fame.

The issue isn’t that we are failures if we don’t strive to be “great”. It’s that in striving to be “the best”, we forget the magic and strength and wounds and joy that allow us to be the human BEINGS we are instead of the human DOINGS we think we should be. We forget who we are because we want to be someone else.

When you lead from the unicorn dancing, sunbeam shining, Care Bear belly within you AND relate to the world around you with care, compassion, reciprocity, and congruence, your BEING is what you remember and celebrate the most.

A pink flower with a been on it

Who is this for?

This is for you iF...

  • You love the following quote: “The flower does not dream of the bee, it blossoms…and the bee comes.”

  • You keep wondering what else you need to do to feel like you’ve done enough in your life.

  • You want “enough” to feel safe in your body.

  • You're afraid to call yourself a “real” artist, writer, creative, activist, and/or changemaker…but deep down you know you are!

  • You’re trying to figure out WHAT TO DO but, deep down, you desire to discover WHO AND HOW TO BE.

  • You don’t dream of labor, but you want to make a generative impact on the world.

  • You want to be WITH time instead of against it.

  • The idea of leading from your worth instead of work LIGHTS YOU UP!

  • You enjoy intimate group connection and dynamics - this will be limited to 8 people.

  • You want to shift how your relationship with how time and money informs your sense of worth.

  • You relate with one or more of the following terms:
    ✦question asker
    ✦cycle breaker

This is NOT for you if..…

  • You’re convinced something or someone out there will complete you.

  • You expect to never feel unworthy again in your life.

  • You aren’t willing to sit with uncertainty.

  • You don’t want to take responsibility for your learning and unlearning.

  • You won’t be able to attend at least half the sessions.

  • You don’t want to shift your relationship with work and worth in a group setting.

(Photo by Brecht Denil on Unsplash)


What changes can you expect?

This is not a program where I will make promises like “You’ll hit 6 figures!” or “You’ll never feel unworthy again!” or “Never work a day in your life!”

We are unique and our outcomes will be delightfully different!

I am here to bring people together, ask different questions, open up new possibilities, foster delight, and connect topics in ways that rewire how you feel in your body and the thoughts you think, especially the routes that are conditioned by mainstream society aka oppressive, hierarchical, supremacist societal norms compounded with our socialization from our caregivers, friends, institutions, and cultural circles.

We are all individuals, and I believe we will shift and transform in unique and beautiful ways. I hope you feel the awe and wonder (and wind-swept hair) I experienced while poking this cactus.

This is what has shifted in my own journey:

  • Slowing down feels like a gift of time, not a theft of time.

  • I look to nature to remind me of the gifts inside of me.

  • I see all the ways I’ve already embodied my truth and magic before I realized it was there.

  • I honor my capacity, even when I have so much on my to do list, because I know that my worth isn’t dependent on it.

  • I start with the “what” instead of getting lost in the “how”

  • I create boundaries that I actually stick to because I know I am worthy of them.

I can only imagine the amazing shifts you’ll make as well.

Hi! I’m Nisha!

I'm a Feminist Healing Coach, Facilitator, and Writer. That’s WHAT I do. Other whats that I’ve done are that I have over 15 years of experience as a consultant, speech therapist, and librarian.

My WHO resides in my story, my values, the legacy I dream about, and the magic I cherish in relationship with myself and all other forms of life and land.

I thrive in relationships with others, especially when it comes to connecting the dots between societal expectations, personal and intergenerational trauma, our unique identities, as well as our dreams and desires.

My values are unlearning, vulnerability, curiosity, humility, connection, compassion, and liberation - though I see some of these shifting in the near future.

Collective care gives me delight!!! This is exactly why this is a group container, because community allows for capacity, care, and choice.

How does Nisha hold space?


Be prepared for some shit to unravel in your real life as you come to conclusions. Nisha kept us on track, affirmed peoples reactions and emotions and whatever they shared, while connecting it all back to the material. It always felt like we were learning something.

— maps


It was a warm, grounding space, and it reminded me of the things I cared about. I normally get really nervous to speak up, but we all had an opportunity to speak which speaks to Nisha’s ability to facilitate and encourage conversation.

— Daisy M.

I love how Nisha holds space. Our group felt so comfortable together, and I believe it had a lot to do with her facilitation style. Nisha’s presence and energy is so soothing. She was able to regulate her nervous system for the calls, and I feel like that affected the group’s energy.

— Dimple Mukherjee


The way Nisha asks questions and reflects out loud really resonates with me. I’m gathering validation, gratitude, and encouragement in my life right now, and Nisha was a part of it. I feel like a good person when I talk to her.

— Erin

What’s included in this container?

Beginning August 27, you will experience:

  • Two 2-hour group coaching calls per month focused on reflection around a topic connected to work and worth.

  • One 90-minute embodiment session per month to integrate each months learnings and unlearnings into our body and senses - with guest coaches!

  • One 90-minute individual coaching session per month to dive deeper into your relationship with work, worth, and yourself.

  • You’ll receive a 90-minute Human Design reading focused on work and worth. This includes a journal with all the information you need and journal prompts to reflect on your own. If you’ve already received a reading from me, we can go deeper into your human design OR you can choose to have a one-on-one coaching session instead.

  • You will have an empathy partner who you will check in regularly with to receive and offer empathy.

  • We will have an opening WELCOME PARTY to meet each other, create community agreements, and have funnnnn! Then we will have a virtual SLUMBER PARTY when we are halfyway through with other fun things we’ll decide together (popcorn is a must)!

  • We will have a (funnnnn!) group Voxer chat. You will have one-on-one messaging access with me.

  • You’ll have lifetime* access to videos, worksheets, meditations, and other resources in our course portal.

    *Lifetime that the content lives on the Teachable platform

  • The Sphere is my private Slack community where anyone who has invested in me is invited to ask for advice, share resources, and be in a group space where we support each other. There are also quarterly Group Care Practices. You’ll be invited into this space for as long as it exists.

Topics by Month

  • month one

    Disability + Nature

    We discuss the fallacies of productivity and efficiency through disability justice and nature’s way of being. We will ground ourselves in our ability and the world around us. See more in “why disability?” below.

  • month two

    Values + Capacity

    We imagine the ways values are sprouts of worth and how capacity y is shaped by our socialization. We’ll dive into the nervous system, playing small, and connecting our worth with safety.

  • month three

    Time + Money

    We explore how clocks, capitalism, and compensation are measures that create conditions around our sense of worth. By default, money and time have power OVER us. Let’s shift to power WITH.

  • month four

    Delight + Radiate

    We share and celebrate how our relationship to work and worth has shifted based on the new foundations and reframes we created. Let’s bring it all together with delight and radiate what we have.

But wait…why are we starting with disability instead of values or money?

I believe disability justice is foundational and liberatory.

Just like you can’t just add a wheelchair ramp to a building that was not built with physical accessibility needs in mind, unless I start at the foundation of access and disability, especially as it relates to work and worth, I bypass very real material conditions that make humans, especially disabled folks, question their work and worth. This also perpetuates ableism (which is directly connected to racial capitalism).

One example of how disability connects to work and worth is “crip time”. This a disability justice concept reframes time to adjust to us instead of the other way around. This is just ONE example of how this is applicable to EVERYONE, and it’s because it starts with disability. As an able-bodied person, this work has opened up new worlds for me.


As this is the first time I’m running From Work to Worth, the investment is the lowest it will be.

In From Work to Worth, you will experience a welcome party, 8 group coaching calls, 4 embodiment sessions, 4 one-on-one sessions, a Human Design reading, an empathy partner, group and individual Voxer messaging, resources, and a SLUMBER PARTY! And, of course, the loving relationships you’ll create 💝

The total investment is $3150. I offer three-month and six-month payment plans. Please apply by July 30.

I was going to put the value of this program here, but I’ve decided that you get to decide how valuable this is for yourself. All I know is that your worth is priceless.



  • I cannot guarantee how you will feel at the end of these four months. In fact, I wouldn’t trust anyone who promises that anyone will feel a certain way at the end of a coaching program.

    However, I can say that if you fully participate, my space holding, the topics discussed, and the connections you make will shift how you see work and worth and will always be a reference point for you in the future.

  • Human design is a system that connects astrology, the Chinese I’Chin system, the Hindu Chakra system, Kabbalah Tree of Life, and quantum physics. It helps you to make more aligned and body-based decision, better understand where you might be trying to prove yourself, and reveals your gifts for this lifetime!

  • I am limiting this group to 8 people to keep it intimate. Part of what makes this program whole is the people in it, and I feel that this number of people will allow us to know each other while we get to know more about ourselves.

  • Please apply by July 30 to enter this container.

  • Currently, the schedule is as follows.

    Welcome Party: Saturday 8/27 from 11am-1pm PT/2pm-4pm ET

    Group Coaching: Saturdays: 9/10, 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19, 12/10 from 11am-1pm PT/2pm-4pm ET

    Embodiment Sessions: Thursdays 9/22, 10/20, 11/10, 12/1 - time TBD

    Virtual Slumber Party: Friday 11/11, time TBD

    One-on-one Coaching + Human Design reading: scheduled on an individual basis

    All sessions will be recorded.

  • All coaching and embodiment sessions will be recorded. However, it is recommended that you do NOT invest in From Work to Worth if you cannot make at least half the session live as the group dynamic and your presence makes the container more robust and collective.

  • Yes, I have 3-month (3 monthly payments of $1050) and 6-month payment plans (6 monthly payments of $525).

  • I am not offering scholarships at this time. If you are extremely interested in the program and concerned about the investment, I encourage you to apply and we can have a conversation about it.

    I believe in access, and I understand that not everyone can access this offering. As a human in this messy supremacist world, I do my best to provide free content via The Healing Hype, Instagram, free meditations, and more. I also provide sliding scale for many of my services as well as scholarships when I’m able. I want us all to survive and thrive, and I hope you find what you need whether it is here or elsewhere 💜

  • This space is open to everyone. While I do hold space for BIPOC only, this space is open to all who grapple the tension between worth, systemic oppression, and growth.

  • I’m definitely planning on doing this again in 2023! Get on my email list on the form at the bottom of this page to hear about it first.

The From Work to Worth logo was designed by Ryookyung Kim. All photos of Nisha were taken by George Davison. Thank you to both of these incredible humans for your labor and love.